The Generation to Stop Bullying Once and for All?
Through the years when we have met with students who were bullied, they said that the most difficult thing was not what happened between them and the bully (unless they were hurt badly), but the toughest thing was seeing all those people standing around and watching. One student said, “Did they think I’m weak or weird or that I deserved it?”
Those thoughts are why bullied students don’t want to return to school. They are humiliated and think that everyone is staring at them in the halls. That is why with our Prevent Bullying by Just Saying H.I. program we encourage students to report the bullying to an adult (H = Help) so they can address the incident appropriately with the bully and bullied student. Then the most important part is for students to “Initiate Contact” with that bullied student sometime that day to let him/her know that they didn’t deserve it and it was wrong. That helps bullied kids to “save face” and know that someone has their back. They know that if it happens again, they have support in the school.
To roll out Prevent Bullying by Just Saying H.I. in the schools, in the spring semester we surveyed all students to find out the status of bullying at our school, and this is what we found out:
- I have been bullied at school this semester: Yes – 33% (If no, skip to question #10)
- How have you been bullied (circle all that apply) *The percentage in the responses adds up to more than 100% because some students were bullied in more ways than one: a. Verbally – 51%, b. Physically – 7%, c. On the Internet – texting, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. – 35%, and d. Damage to property – 14%
- Where (circle all that apply): a. In the restroom – 5%, b. In class with the teacher there – 30%,
c. When the teacher was out of the room – 19%, d. In the Commons (cafeteria) – 37%, e. In the hallway – 26%, f. Outside school – 12%, g. Other – 4% comments: behind my back, online, home, at home, work - What time(s) of the day have you been bullied (circle all that apply): a. Before school – 4%, b. During a class – 10%, c. During lunch – 37%, d. After school – 40%, e. Other – 9%
- Did you feel like you could say something to the bully to ask him/her to stop? Yes – 40%
- Did other students or teachers around you see the bullying? Yes – 30%
- Did anyone say anything to the bully? Yes – 12%
- Did anyone say anything to you to support you? Yes – 26%
- If no one said anything, would you have felt better if someone said something to you during the
bullying or sometime after? Yes – 37% - If you saw bullying and could report it, knowing that your information would remain
confidential, would you report it? Yes – 49%
The results of the survey helped us to know what we needed to address in our “Prevent Bullying by Just Saying H.I.” program. In the fall, we decided to give a 10-minute presentation by peers in all Advisement classes explaining the program. Before the presentation, the teacher gave the students in each class a pre-survey about bullying to see what the students know and understand about bullying and what is happening in the school. At the end of the presentation they were given a post-survey.
These are the results of the surveys from the presentations:
- I have been bullied or know of someone who has been bullied. 78.38% said yes
- As a bystander, I know what to do to stop bullying when I see it. Pre-survey 53.2% said yes; Post-survey 96.53% said yes
- I would feel comfortable reporting bullying if I knew my referral would remain confidential. Pre-survey: 53.2% said Always or sometimes, Post-survey: 86.87% said Always or sometimes
- I would feel comfortable saying something to a bullied student at a later time, to show my support. Pre-survey: 33% would feel very comfortable or comfortable, Post-survey: 85.33% would feel very comfortable or comfortable
- I want to do my part to make my generation the one that stops bullying once and for all. Pre-survey: 64.47% said yes, Post-survey: 98.07% said yes
In preparation for the presentations at the beginning of the program, when a B.I.O.N.I.C. Advisor was going over the material with the presenters, she mentioned how the older generations have failed this current generation because bullying has been around as long as we can remember, and not much has changed. Then one of the students said, “Maybe we can be the generation to stop bullying once and for all!” The rest of the students in training said a hearty yes. Then when the survey was being crafted, they said they wanted to add that at the end as the last item on the survey. Then a peer suggested that they ask if any students would like to help spread the message of “Prevent Bullying by Just Saying H.I.” by reminding their peers or helping with presentations at other schools, to sign their name at the bottom of the survey. Each time about 30% of the students signed the form.
To make their generation THE generation that stops bullying once and for all? That is a lofty goal! But in seeing how the B.I.O.N.I.C. movement is growing to more schools, and the B.I.O.N.I.C. alumni are continuing the B.I.O.N.I.C. caring message by using the skills they learned while on the B.I.O.N.I.C. Team for the rest of their lives. We see them training their own children to care about others, wanting to start B.I.O.N.I.C. Teams in their places of work, reaching out to others in their own realm of influence.
We believe these kids can stop the bullying once and for all! They have started a movement that spreads further around the world each year. Maybe it’s only the kids who can truly turn this around! Want to help us help them? Go to our contact page and let us know. Thanks for caring!